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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons Z. (Zoltán) Lippényi, PhD


Imprinting and contested practices: The impact of public directors’ private-sector experience on temporary employment in Dutch public organizations

Erratum: Author Correction: Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries (Nature human behaviour (2023) 7 2 (184-189))

Ups and downs in finance, ups without downs in inequality

Within-job gender pay inequality in 15 countries

Durkheims arbeidsverdeling: een deel van de identiteit van de sociologische discipline

Een casestudie naar hoe de niet-medische zorginnovatie ‘arbeidsgerichte zorg’ geïmplementeerd wordt in de huidige zorgpraktijk [masterthesis]

Workplace volatility and gender inequality: a comparison of the Netherlands and South Korea

Beyond Formal Access: Organizational Context, Working From Home, and Work–Family Conflict of Men and Women in European Workplaces

Correction for Tomaskovic-Devey et al., Rising between-workplace inequalities in high-income countries

Correction to: Beyond Formal Access: Organizational Context, Working From Home, and Work–Family Conflict of Men and Women in European Workplaces

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Gelijke beloning: tijd voor actie in het arbeidsrecht

Loonkloof volgens onderzoekers weer groter: hoe kan dat toch?

Wage Gap in the Netherlands Continues to Widen, Experts Warn

‘Vrouwen krijgen nog steeds minder betaald dan mannen”


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