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Author Correction: Tau-targeting antisense oligonucleotide MAPTRx in mild Alzheimer’s disease: a phase 1b, randomized, placebo-controlled trial 

Clinical variables contributing to the identification of biologically defined subgroups within cognitively unimpaired and mild cognitive impairment individuals

Epigenetics and Down syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome Status Changes and Cognitive Functioning: Insights from the Lifelines Cohort Study

Small vessel disease burden and functional brain connectivity in mild cognitive impairment

Activation of TNF Receptor 2 improves synaptic plasticity and enhances amyloid-β clearance in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model with humanized TNF Receptor 2

Association between Low Vitamin D Status, Serotonin, and Clinico-Biobehavioral Parameters in Alzheimer’s Disease

Association of personality facets and cognition in the lifelines population-based cohort study

Brain Kynurenine Pathway Metabolite Levels May Reflect Extent of Neuroinflammation in ALS, FTD and Early Onset AD

Dementia in people with severe/profound intellectual (and multiple) disabilities, and its natural history

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