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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Marieke) van Gerner-Haan, PhD


Experiences of fatherhood in prison: A thematic analysis of differences between fathers in a family approach programme and a comparison group

Paternal Incarceration, Family Relationships, and Adolescents’ Internalizing and Externalizing Problem Behaviors

Recruiting non-respondents for a conversation about reasons for non-response: A description and evaluation

Community Wise—effects and participant perceptions of a community- based -positive health intervention for older inhabitants of low SES neighbourhoods: a mixed-methods approach

Fatherhood and Reoffending after Release from Prison: The Importance of Co-Residing With a Partner and Children

Sociale steun in de psychiatrie: Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de rol van sociale steun in het welbevinden van bezoekers van Stichting (On)Gestoord [masterthesis]

Do People Favor Artificial Intelligence Over Physicians? A Survey Among the General Population and Their View on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Just you wait… and fill out this survey. Discussion of the methodological aspects of waiting room surveys

Paternal Imprisonment and Father–Child Relationships: A Systematic Review

Survey Research Among Older Migrants: Age-Related Differences in Contact and Cooperation

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