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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.A.T. (Maddie) Judge, PhD


Accelerating social tipping points in sustainable behaviors: Insights from a dynamic model of moralized social change

Environmental Decision-Making in Times of Polarization

Profiles of an Ideal Society: The Utopian Visions of Ordinary People

The Importance of Institutional Capacity and Negotiation Capacity in Affordable Housing Agreements: The Potential for Collective Action in Melbourne, Australia

Dietary behaviour as a form of collective action: A social identity model of vegan activism

From toilet to table: Value-tailored messages influence emotional responses to wastewater products

‘Distancers’ and ‘non-distancers’? The potential social psychological impact of moralizing COVID-19 mitigating practices on sustained behaviour change

Folk Theories of Artifact Creation: How Intuitions About Human Labor Influence the Value of Artifacts

Improving Research on the Psychology of Sustainable Consumption: Some Considerations from an Early Career Perspective

Lay Concepts of Art, Craft, and Manufacture and the Implications for Sustainable Consumption

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