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Medication adherence, real-world drug outcomes, health economics, cost-effectiveness, burden of diseases, respiratory diseases (asthma, COPD, TB, CF, lung cancer)


Electronic monitoring with a digital smart spacer to support personalized inhaler use education in patients with asthma: The randomized controlled OUTERSPACE trial

Personalized medication adherence management in asthma and COPD: a review of effective interventions and development of a practical adherence toolkit

Urging Europe to put non-adherence to inhaled respiratory medication higher on the policy agenda: A report from the First European Congress on Adherence to Therapy

Use of digital measurement of medication adherence and lung function to guide the management of uncontrolled asthma (INCA Sun): a multicentre, single-blinded, randomised clinical trial

Long-term cost-effectiveness of digital inhaler adherence technologies in difficult-to-treat asthma

Cost-effectiveness and impact on healthcare utilization of interventions to improve medication adherence and outcomes in asthma and COPD: A systematic literature review

Digipredict: physiological, behavioural and environmental predictors of asthma attacks-a prospective observational study using digital markers and artificial intelligence-study protocol

Digital Inhaler Implementation in Daily Asthma Management: Who, When, and How?

Early Diagnosis and Treatment of COPD: The Costs and Benefits of Case-Finding

Global, regional, and national age-specific progress towards the 2020 milestones of the WHO End TB Strategy: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

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Medicijntekort treft kinderen met astma (NPO Radio 1)

Ernstig tekort aan medicijn salbutamol aerosol (SBS6 Hart van Nederland)

Digitale inhalatoren: wat, waarom en wanneer? (In: Nieuwsbrief astmaVereniging Nederland en Davos)

Therapietrouw: waarom is het belangrijk en hoe we kunnen we patiënten beter helpen?

Klachten onder controle met het persoonlijk Astma Actieplan (Interview patiëntenblad Longwijzer)

UMCG verbetert samen met patiënten de longkankerzorg

Actieonderzoek om de zorg voor mensen met longkanker te verbeteren gestart

Digitale voorzetkamer verbetert inname inhalatiemedicatie COPD-patiënten

Digitale voorzetkamer verhoogt therapietrouw COPD-patiënten

Digitaal hulpmiddel registreert of COPD-patiënten longmedicijn goed inhaleren

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