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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H.G.M. (Bert) Niesters


High-Density Lipoprotein Particles and Torque Teno Virus in Stable Outpatient Kidney Transplant Recipients

Humoral and cellular immune responses after COVID-19 vaccination of lung transplant recipients and patients on the waiting list: a 6-month follow-up

Iron deficiency, anemia, and patient-reported outcomes in kidney transplant recipients

Changes in enterovirus epidemiology after easing of lockdown measures

Clinical phenotypes and quality of life to define post-COVID-19 syndrome: a cluster analysis of the multinational, prospective ORCHESTRA cohort

COVID or no COVID: Interpreting inconclusive SARS-CoV-2 qPCR results in different populations and platforms

Elevated risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants compared with Alpha variant in vaccinated individuals

External validation of the PAGE-B score for HCC risk prediction in people living with HIV/HBV coinfection

Health-related quality of life is linked to the gut microbiome in kidney transplant recipients

Off-season circulation and characterization of enterovirus D68 with respiratory and neurological presentation using whole-genome sequencing

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Viroloog Bert Niesters sluit seizoen Kenniscafé Emmen af. 'Kus geen kameel'

De griepprik komt er weer aan, maar gaan we hem nog wel halen? | vijf vragen

RS-virus: kinderafdelingen vol

UMCG schrapt operaties van kinderen vanwege vroege piek RS-virus

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