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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. E.A. (Elissa) El Khawli, PhD


Dealing with Stressful Work Events: Insights for Managers and Employees

Goldilocks work conditions for all ages: Age-conditional effects of work design profiles on well-being

Online assessment of cognitive functioning across the adult lifespan using the eCOG-TEL: A reliable alternative to laboratory testing

The rise and fall of job insecurity during a pandemic: The role of habitual coping

Why, when, and how workers regulate: a lifespan perspective on work design and emotion regulation at work

Associations of risk perception of COVID-19 with emotion and mental health during the pandemic

Mapping the Moods of COVID-19: Global Study Uses Data Visualization to Track Psychological Responses, Identify Targets for Intervention

PsyCorona: A World of Reactions to COVID-19: How an online data visualization tool reports data from an international psychological survey

Examining the Effect of Early Life Stress on Autonomic and Endocrine Indicators of Individual Stress Reactivity

Early-Life stress modulates neural networks associated with habitual use of reappraisal

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