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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. A.W. (Andreas) van Cranenburgh

dr. A.W. (Andreas) van Cranenburgh

Assistant professor Digital Humanities and Information Sciences
Profielfoto van dr. A.W. (Andreas) van Cranenburgh


Literary-adapted machine translation in a well-resourced language pair: Explorations with More Data and Wider Contexts

Semantic-based NLP techniques discriminate schizophrenia and Wernicke’s aphasia based on spontaneous speech

A Distant Reading of Gender Bias in Dutch Literary Prizes

Direct Speech Quote Attribution for Dutch Literature

Putting Dutchcoref to the Test: Character Detection and Gender Dynamics in Contemporary Dutch Novels

A dataset of Dutch Novels 1800-2000

A Distant Reading of Gender Bias in Dutch Literary Prizes

Annotation and Prediction of Movie Sentiment Arcs

DBNL als goudmijn voor de digitale neerlandistiek

Dutch Historical Spelling Normalization for Parsing and Coreference Resolution

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Andreas van Cranenburgh nieuwe researcher-in-residence bij de KB