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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. P. (Pim) de Haan


A highly stable, pressure-driven, flow control system based on Coriolis mass flow sensors for organs-on-chips

Efficient Electrochemiluminescence Sensing in Microfluidic Biosensors: A Review

Customizable gut-on-a-chip microsystems with enzymatic digestion for food and drug studies

Facile fabrication of microperforated membranes with re-useable SU-8 molds for organs-on-chips

Polystyrene lung-on-a-chip model for oxygen metabolism studies

A guide to the organ-on-a-chip

Darm-op-een-chip in microsysteem test opname van geneesmiddelen: Kunstmatig speeksel, maagsap en darmsap met gal in microkanalen

A versatile, compartmentalised gut-on-a-chip system for pharmacological and toxicological analyses

Microfluidic Digestive Systems for Drug Analysis

Stereolithographic fabrication and characterization of immobilized enzyme reactors for in vitro digestions

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Chip zou kanker sneller opsporen

Maakt ‘body-on-a-chip’ proefdieren overbodig?