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Over ons Faculteit Gedrags- en Maatschappijwetenschappen Sociologie

Andreas Flache co-organizer and Tom Snijders keynote speaker at conference Social Simulation 2015, held in Groningen September 14-18

11 september 2015

Prof. dr. Tom Snijders, professor of Methodology at the department of Sociology, will be one of the keynote speaker at Social Simulation 2015 which will be held in Groningen this September. Social Simulation 2015 is the Eleventh Conference of the European Social Simulation Association. As member of The Groningen Center for Social Complexity Studies, prof. dr. Andreas Flache co-organizes the conference.

The conference aims to foster our understanding of social complexity problems by presentations of state-of-the art computational modelling work in the social sciences. Contributions on the latest results of research and discussions on emergent phenomena and modeling issues related to a variety of research subjects in social simulation will be presented, as theoretical, experimental, practical, or technical.

Registration for participation is possible via the website, where you also can find more information about the conference.

Laatst gewijzigd:07 april 2016 11:14

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