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Funding from Erasmus+ Program for European AI – Education project

03 October 2023

Dr. Francisco José Castillo Hernández from the Center for Learning and Teaching ( CLT ) and Dr. Andreea Sburlea from the Bernoulli Institute are collaborating as partners in a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme for Education & Training. The project is titled ‘Artificial Intelligence for professional and pedagogical practices in Higher Education’ (INFINITE) and is coordinated by the University of Groningen (UG).

The total grant for the project is EUR 400,000, with Castillo and Sburlea receiving EUR 80,000. The project has a duration of 30 months. The project is coordinated by the University of Groningen. It involves a consortium of five partners, both universities and NGO’s in Europe. 


The goal of the project is to prepare Higher Education (HE) faculty to critically and ethically utilize AI-based technology for their professional and pedagogical practices, thereby supporting Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in harnessing the best possible outcomes from AI advancements.

Expected outcomes

Expected outcomes encompass desk and field research to map the AI landscape in higher education, the creation of an AI Literacy Toolkit featuring 35 best case studies, a readiness checklist, and a visualized framework to assist HE academics in familiarizing themselves with and selecting AI tools for professional and pedagogical use.

Digital learning hub

Furthermore, the project will establish a digital learning hub as an interactive platform offering a range of free AI-driven tools and examples for professional, teaching, learning, and assessment purposes to aid HE academics. The project will also provide capacity-building courses for faculty and students on the critical and wise use of AI for teaching, learning, and assessment, along with conducting dissemination and exploitation activities and materials.


The project involves institutions from across Europe, including Educational Excellence Corporation Limited (EDEX), University College Dublin, Panepistimio Aigaiou, All Digital AISBL and the Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology (CARDET).

Last modified:03 October 2023 11.44 a.m.
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